Intervision is a special, highly effective form of knowledge/competence development. For any small group, it is one of the best ways to achieve continuous improvement, keep motivation high and develop cooperation. In this programme, we teach the approach and method of intervision to a specific group of collaborators.
Colleagues participating in the intervision will work through cases in a similar way to team coaching programmes. The essential difference is that the case owner asks a specific question about his/her case (problem, dilemma, stuck situation, situation to be solved, conflict, loss of motivation, etc.) supported by the groupin forming this question. Then the group seeks for concrete answers, brings in new aspects using a fairly colourful set of methods by itself, without external facilitation. The knowledge of the group is surfaced and made available to each group member. The group is "self-lead", i.e. each session is facilitated by a selected group member - so once the approach and method have been mastered, there is no need for a continuous external consultant presence or managerial supervision. In my experience, the power of empowerment significantly increases the effectiveness of collaboration. Moreover, intervision can become the most effective tool for continuous competence development within the organisation.