If we want to achieve anything in Life, then we have to

  • set goals
  • mobilise resources
  • overcome difficulties, resistance.

For all that, we need our inner power and our mental endurance.

In this programme, we use physical development as a living metaphor of mental development. Just like we develop our power, endurance to reach a physical goal, e.g. an achievement in a sport (and actually it is a light, but reasonable part of this course), the same way we will develop your mental endurance in order to achieve your objective.

Developing Mental Endurance helps you to define goals, supports focused work to achieve them, mobilising your internal resources and overcoming any internal resistance or external obstacle. Besides, it creates an effective new attitude, building on the values deeply rooted in you. 

  • Average people tend to wait till the circumstances are in their favour. Successful people are ready to try and shape those circumstances.
  • Dreaming about something is really nice - but dreams seldom come true all by themselves. As carefully carved visions or goals they have much more chance.
  • 'Yes, but...", 'When this and that has already happened...', 'Why me? I am not able to...' Those internal obstacles tend to take many forms. If we learn to use them as tools for the development of our mental endurance - then we can channel a huge source of energy to reach what we want.
  • 'It can wait till tomorrow' We are all ready to enjoy a bit of (in fact a lot of) comfort. A said fact that the way towards or real goals is not paved with comfort. Getting out of our comfort zone the opportunity to create, build something arises. Also, we become fit and able to solve more difficult problems then before. 
  • Nothing happens without persistent, focused work. Nothing can approve procrastination - for our time on Earth is limited.

If you go through the process, you will be able to define your goals clearly and mobilise your internal and external resources in order to achieve them. You will work focused and persistent, using any obstacle or resistance as a source of energy. 

During the programme, all participants work on concrete goals and real situations. Meanwhile, the development of the necessary skills and attitudes are developed in parallel, in a martial arts programme.  The dojo (martial arts gym) offers numerous opportunities for a very deep, visceral level of understanding and development, which can be considered a real transformation - if the tools and knowledge of martial arts are used in a targeted way. We draw on decades of experience in martial arts coaching programmes, so this targeted use is guaranteed. Learning at a visceral level far exceeds the capabilities of understanding-based programs. 

Martial arts elements come from the tool-kit of kali/eskrima, an art from the Philippines. In the programme, participants work with staffs. They work together - and they do not fight each other, cause or suffer no pain: this is not an actual martial arts training in this sense. Alas, it is a philosophical frame, a skills development platform. The exercises and the message they deliver (values, philosophy, etc.) beautifully reflect the needs of the Mental Endurance Development process. Physical performance is included in the programme at a level that makes it accessible to virtually anyone, while being highly beneficial to the functioning of the human body created for movement. The physical experience that provides a powerful experience is quickly integrated, multiplying the effectiveness of learning many times over with appropriate reflection.
